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Directorate of Higher Education Shimla
Government of Himachal Pradesh, India
About Us
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Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Institution Regulation Act,
Education Code
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Notice Board
Important Notices
Important Notices
Has taxonomy term
- Any -
Result Frame Document (RFD)
Instructions regarding sponsoring Lecturers (College Cadre) for attending Refresher Courses/Orientation Programmes
Deputation of Teachers for various Training Programmes
Regarding preparation of seniority of Lecturer/PGT (School Cadre)
Regarding extension of admission dates for Govt Skt Colleges up to 23rd June 2017
Corrigendum regarding GSSSs Swar and Traimbali
Regarding submission of Bio-Data for promotion to the post of Principals (School Cadre) from lecturers
Supporting Measles Rubella Vaccination Campaign
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Smt Manju Gujral)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director ( Sh Ravinder Kumar)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Smt Manju Bhat)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Sh Ashok Kumar)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director ( Sh Nek Ram)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director ( Sh Roshan Lal)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (sh Purshotam Chand)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director ( Sh Vidya Sagar)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Sh Puran Chand)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Sh Jaswant Singh)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Sh Pushpinder Pal)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director ( Sh Ghanshyam)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Smt Usha Rani)
Submission of ACR for placement to the post of Dy Director (Smt Veena Dhiman)
Inspection of Libraries in the State of Himachal Pradesh 13th June to 25th June 2017
Application for benefits of revision of Pay Scale of 1996 and vacation salary in accordance with the orders of Honble High Court
To conduct RMSA Training of 9th and 10th class teachers for the year 2017
Date of NSS State Level Advisory Committee Meeting is now postponed to 23rd June 2017 (11:30 AM)
Organisation of in-school training sessions of all the teachers in GSSS and High Schools to accomplish computer literacy
Proforma regarding sanctioned/vacancy/filled up status of Lecturers/PGTs posts School wise and District wise as on 31st May 2017
Regarding organizing Special Training of trainers (TOT) for NSS Programme Officers
Submission of self-appraisal report in r/o Principals College Cadre as per time schedule prescribed by the Govt.
Submission of self-appraisal report in r/o Deputy Director of Higher Education H.P. as per time schedule prescribed by the Govt.
Nominations for One Month Certificate Course on School leadership and Management in the State School Leadership Academy
Regarding AIDS control programme
Regarding Admission schedule in respect of Prakshastri-1 for the academic session 2017-18 in Skt. Colleges in the State
Regarding Putting up information of details of Chairpersons of Complaints Committee to prevent Sexual Harassment of Women at work places on the Departmental website
Regarding Putting up information of details of Chairpersons of Complaints Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women
Regarding Ban on Cellular Phones in the Class Rooms/Campus of Educational Institutions
Regarding writing of ACRs of Class-I, Class-II and Class-III officers
Recommendation for Padam Awards 2018
Tentative Seniority list of DEPs in the pay scale of Rs. 10300-34800+3600/4200GP as it stood on 31.12.2013 5/22/2017 2:39:00 AM
Regarding Submission of revised actual enrolment of class 9th to 12th for the distribution of school uniforms for year 2017-18
Regarding Meeting of Deputy Directors of Higher Education/Dy. Director Inspection on 20th May, 2017 at 11 AM in the Directorate of Higher Education
Regarding information of Libraries
Submission of ACRs in r/o LAs for the promotion to the post of JLA 05/17/2017
Regarding Admission schedule in respect of Prakshastri-1 for the academic session 2017-18 in Skt. Colleges in the State
Minutes of 03 days workshop with the SLDP State Resource Group and SSA/RMSA TTIs held at the SPO (SSA/RMSA) with effect from 18-03-2017 to 20-03-2017
Regarding All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)
Regarding NPC Residential Training Programme on Effective Office Administration and Financial Management June 24-28 2017 at Leh Ladakh
Regarding Vacation/Admission/Examination Schedule for the session 2017-2018 in respect of Degree Colleges/Skt. Colleges in the State
Submission of ACR with API Score for the promotion to the post of Principal (College)
Data Sharing - compliance of the IT Act 2009 and Aadhaar Act 2016
Application for benefits of revision of Pay Scale of 1996 and vacation salary in accordance with the orders of Honble High Court i COPC No 456/2014 HP
Regarding Residential Training Programme on Modern Management Practices for Improving Organization Performance
Regarding Residential Training Programme on Effective Office Management and Administration - General Financial Rules
Regularization of Contract post graduate teachers
Submission of ACRs regarding placement of clerk for the post of Jr Assistant
Regarding Time-bound Program to writer annual Confidential Report
5 Days Training Programme for Dy. Directors from 10-04-2017 to 14-04-2017 in SCERT
Submission of actual enrollment of class 1st to 12th for the distribution of School Uniform during 2017-18 under Mahatma Gandhi Vardi Yojna for classes 1st to 10th and Mukhya Mantri Vardi Yojna for classes 10+1 and 10+2
Prime ministers Shram Awards Scheme (PMSA)
Particulars of Clerks for placement as Junior Assistant
Corrigendum - Read GHS Sehmal instead of GHS Semhal, Distt Shimla
Regarding admission schedule in the Govt Schools in Himachal Pradesh for the Academic session 2017-18
Utilization Certificate under MUKHYA MANTRY VARDI YOJNA for the year 2016-17 in r/o the students of 10 + 1 and 10 + 2 Classes
Training Bulletin for the conduct of Training Programmes at HIPA during the month of May 2017
Regarding inviting nominations for Civil Services Award - 2017
Contesting in Elections to Sports bodies etc
Regarding In-house Training Programs for Engineers to be conducted in your State
Regarding information and request for co-operation for implementing of HP Education Awareness Movement
Submission of actual enrollment of class 1st to 12th for the distribution of school uniform during 2017-18 under Mahatma Gandhi Vardi Yojna for Classes 1st to 10th and Mukhya Mantri Vardi Yojna for classes 10+1 and 10+2 -Indenting Officer wise
Regarding residential training programme on Transformational Leadership and Change Management at Mussoorie during May 15-19, 2017
Regarding residential training programme on Modern Office Management and Performance Management at Dalhousie HP during April 24-28-2017
Regarding 2500 Scholarship for the students with Disabilities
Regarding inclusion the names in PGT panel amongst in-service TGTs Possessing Master Degree for promotion as PGT in the year 2017
Schedule for Type Test of Clerks at Directorate Level
Submission of ACRs regarding Supdt G-II for the promotion to the post of Supdt G-I
Training Bulletin for the conduct of Training Programmes at HIPA during the month of April 2017
Regarding selection trial of talented players for the sports hostels
Regarding Resolution to eliminate measles and control rubella / Congenital rubella syndrome
Corrigendum regarding Seniority numbers
Statistical Monthly Reports on Swachh Bharat Mission and other NSS activities by 5th of each Month
Submission of NSS Annual Report for the year 2016-17
Regarding non-celebration or organizing any type of function (s) in the schools due to annual examination of Board/Non-Board classes
Regarding request for one-day orientation for on-line programme in School Leadership and Management in Himachal Pradesh
Training Orientation Progreamme for NSS Programme Officers w e f 22-02-2017 to 28-02-2017 at IDC Sector 38-A Chandigarh
Regarding request for one-day orientation for on-line programme in School Leadership and Management in Himachal Pradesh
Submission of self-appraisal report in r/o Principals College Cadre as per time schedule prescribed by the Government
14th Session of Twelfth Vidhan Sabha (Budget Session) Commencing w e f 01-03--2017 to 07-04-2017
Vidhan Sabha Session - Submission of detailed background notes March 2017
Submission of Self appraisal report for the promotion to the post of Jt Director (Schools)
Regarding inclusion the names in PGT panel amongst in-service TGTs Possessing Master Degree for promotion as PGT in the year 2017
Reminder regarding preparation of seniority of lecturer/PGT (School Cadre)
Quarterly Review Meeting of Deputy Directors of Higher Education on 8th Feb 2017 at 11 AM in the Directorate of Higher Education
Regarding allocation of CPF Numbers to the employees appointed after 15-05-2003 and transfer of their GPF share alongwith interest
Training Orientation Programme for NSS Programme Officers w e f 10-02-17 to 16-02-17 at Institute of Development and Communication - Chandigarh
Release of First Installment of Grant-in-aid for undertaking NSS Activities - Regular Activities and Special Camping for the Financial year 2016-17
Regarding demand of question papers of 9th and 11th classes for the Annual Examination March 2017
Particulars of Clerks/Jr Assistant for promotion to the post of Senior Assistant
Regarding Observance of silence on 30th January in the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for India s freedom
Submission of ACRs in r/o LAs for the promotion to the post of JLA
Regarding NSS Republic Day Parade Camp for the year 2016-17 requirement of trainer
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Updated On:
10/02/2025 - 17:35
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