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Directorate of Higher Education Shimla
Government of Himachal Pradesh, India
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Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Institution Regulation Act,
Education Code
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Notice Board
Important Notices
Important Notices
Has taxonomy term
- Any -
Result Frame Document (RFD)
Regarding Children & Adolescents Libraries and Digital Infrastructure.
Regarding various works of GSSS Basantpur , Distt , Kangra H.P.
Office Order Appointment Ex-Servicemen Lecturer (School New)
Regarding submission of an affidavit under Post Matric Scholarship Scheme under SC Category for the year 2021-22, onwards.
Regarding Organizing the Big Events on the Occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of full Statehood.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 30.12.2020 at 10.30 AM.
Regarding conduct of AIAPGET-2020 entrance examination
Regarding Revised Seniority list of Lecturer (School)
Corrigendum regarding promotion order of L.A to JLA
Regarding HSSA Meeting 2018-19.
Corrigendum regarding State Level Self Defence Training Camp for NSS Girls Volunteeers and Female Programme Officers
Submissioin of NSS Annual Report for the year 2017-18
Pending ACRs for Regular DPC of Principals from lecturers School Cadre up to 01.01.2008
Corrigendum to read D.O.A on Regular Basis instead of D.O.A. on Contract Basis in Column No. 6 of tentative seniority list of Assistant Librarians
Regarding seniority number in r/o Lecturer/PGT (School)
Submission of NSS Annual Report for the year 2017-18
Regarding 1st installment of NSS Grant for the financial year 2017-18
Information Regarding Sanction Strength along with copy of sanction letter/Notification of the Librarians/Assistant Librarian as on 30/11/2017
Regarding Requirement of funds under SDRF fo the Financial Year 2017-18
Training Orientation Programme for NSS Programme Officers w.e.f. 19/01/2018 to 25/01/2018 at IDC, Sector 38-A Chandigarh
Regarding support to observe 1st round of National De-worming Day in the month of February 2018
Training Orientation Programme for NSS Programme Officers w.e.f. 15/12/2017 to 21/12/2017
Regarding submission of Bio-Data for promotion to the post of Principals (school cadre) from lecturers
Training Bulletin for the conduct of Training programmes at HIPA during the month of January 2018
Training Orientation Programme for NSS Programme Officers w.e.f. 22/11/2017 to 28/11/2017 at YS Parmar Horticultural University Nauni Solan
Training Bulletin for the conduct of Training Programmes and HIPA during the month of December 2017
Submission of ACRs regarding placement of clerk for the post of Jr Assistant
Final Seniority list of Lecturers (School Cadre)/PGTs w.e.f. 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2013.
Regarding implementation of Judgement/order passed by Hon ble High Court of HP on 23rd Dec 2015 in LPA No 146/2009
Regarding requirement of revised budget demand for teachers appointed under PTA Policy (Govt. Degree Colleges)
Regarding requirement of revised budget demand for teachers appointed under PTA Policy
Regarding Prakriti Paryavarn aur Hum-Green March
Statistical Monthly Reports on Swachh Bharat Mission and other NSS activities by 5th of each Month
Urgent Information on NSS Facebook and Twitter and smnssindia mail
Regarding appointment of NSS Programme Officer
Regarding Extension of benefits of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity to the H.P. Government Employees covered by New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (known as NPS).
Regarding providing the Electricity facilities and one Class-IV employee in polling booths
Training Bulletin for the conduct of Training Programmes at HIPA during the month of November 2017
Observance of Vigilance Awareness week 2017
Regarding organizing Indian Culture Knowledge Examination
Regarding Blue Whale Game-A Menace
Regarding Ensuring Preventive Mechanism for Keeping Students Safe within Schools Premises
Writ Petition (Civil) NO. 483/2004 Titled Avinash Mehrotra Vs Union of India and Ors.
Organization of Parthenium Awareness Week
Information regarding contract employee-regularization thereof
Training Orientation Programme for NSS Programme Officers
Regularization of contract appointees in the Government Department - instruction thereof
Regarding relieving and joining of recently promoted PGTs
Information Regarding Video Conference and Forwarding the Latest Position of Aadhaar Enrollment of Students in GSSSs and GHSs
Tentative Seniority list of Headmasters/Headmistress
Regarding Launch of Measles-Rubella Vaccination Campaign from 30th August 2017 in the State of Himachal Pradesh
Regarding regularization of Left out Para Teachers (School Cadre)
Change of venue for U-19 Boys IInd phase state level tournament
Regarding recommendations of the State Level Conclave on Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction
Corrigendum to read GSSS Serla Khaboo instead of GSSS Serla Khabhoo and GSSS Khakriana instead of GSSS Khakhriyana in Distt. Mandi
Submission of Inspection Report in respect of Private Educational Institutions
Regarding nomination for National Award for Innovations in Educational Administration
Regarding regularization of Left out Para Tachers
Reg delay in providing attendance in r/o IT faculties deployed through NIELIT in schools of Himachal Pradesh
Submission of ACRs of School Lecturers
Regarding regularization of clerk appointed on contract basis information thereof
Training Bulletin for the conduct of Training Programmes at HIPA during the month of October 2017
Regarding Rescheduling of Vacation Schedule of Govt. Schools
Regarding Continuation of Financial Literacy Course in Kangra, Mandi, Shimla and Solan Districts for the Academic Session 2017-18
Submission of ACRs for the year 2016-17 in r/o Non Teaching Staff and Completion Certificate
Submission of ACRs Principals/Headmasters for the year 2016-17
Regarding Training Programme on Disaster management for National Cadre Corps (NCC) from 28th August 2017 to Ist September 2017
Training Orientation Programme for NSS Programme Officers w.e.f. 25-08-2017 to 31-08-2017 at IDC Sector 38 - A, Chandigarh
Corrigendum - Read GSSS Dhayla instead of GSSS Dharyala in Distt. Solan
Corrigendum - Read GSSS Bhallad instead of GSSS Bhalled in Distt. Kangra, GHS Tokian instead of Tokiyan, GHS Dhakwala instead of GHS Dhakwala Kherwala and GSSS Manal Douchi instead of GSSS Manal Dochi in Distt Sirmour
Corrigendum - Read GSSS Pilar at Langha instead of GSSS Paliyar at Langha in Distt. Kangra
Regarding incident of rape and murder of a minor girl student of 10th Class at Kotkhai, District Shimla
Regarding - SADBHAVANA DIWAS 2017
Proforma for Demand under SOE - M and S (Dual Desks, Students Furniture, Sports and Science Lab Material consumable
Regarding Offer of Free Education and Free Lodging and Boarding for the Daughters of the 18 Uri Martyrs
Regarding selection of Gender Champions in all Educational Institutions instructions thereof
Regarding organizing additional activities which may be undertaken during this year Independence Day Celebrations 2017
Regarding the name of school read GHS Saraunjh instead of Saronjh in District Mandi.
Inviting nominations for the Prestigious - Rashtra Vibhushan Award TM 2017
Training Bulletin for the conduct of Training Programmes at HIPA during the month of September 2017
Regarding campaign on International Youth Day
16th Session of Twelfth Vidhan Sabha (Monsoon Session) commencing w.e.f. 22-08-2017 to 25-08-2017
Vidhan Sabha Session - Submission of detailed background note August 2017
Statistical Monthly Reports on Swachh Bharat Mission and other NSS activities by 3rd of each month
Regarding releasing of remaining NSS Grant for the financial year 2016-17
Tentative Seniority list of Lecturers/PGTs (School Cadre)
Afforestation Campaign
Regarding rationalization of post of Assistant Professor (Colleges) in Govt. Colleges
Submission ACRs in R/o JLA for promotion to the post of SLA
Observing Swachh Bharat Pakhwara 01-15 August 2017
Corrigendum regarding State Level Tournament.
Instructions to be Given to the Students in the Morning Assembly Awareness thereof
Regarding 19th original report of Welfare Committee (11th Vidhan Sabha)(year 2009-10) based on 40th Action Taken Report
Submission of ACRs as per time schedule prescribed by the Government
Regarding seminar in Indian Institute of Advanced Study
Regarding Submission of Audited Utilization Certificate of NSS grant for the year 2016-17
Residential Training Programme on - Improving Leadership Managerial and Administrative Skills at Puri (Odisha) during 21-25th August 2017
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Updated On:
28/03/2025 - 15:40
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